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Be the next guest who enjoys the experience of Japan!






Susan Sontag


Since people can search many information on the web nowadays, we think that just providing information and knowledge cannot attract people who visit Japan.

When Naomi Kuwahara who is a representative of Japan Experience ToursSM(JETsm)visited Denmark about 20 year ago, she was so impressed by the exhibitions of Denmark National Museum such as a corner of wearing traditional clothes of the world.

One of the traditional clothes was wolf’s fur! She’d never touched wolves, let alone she’d never wore its fur!
Not only explaining the fact but also providing chances of experiences are so attractive. She was fascinated by the experiences indeed though She was already fairly adult at that time.

For instance, Naomi has learnt tea ceremony of Omote-Senke for more than 10 years, because her father is a teacher of tea ceremony.
Also, she learnt playing Koto and obtained some certifications. She still keeps Koto instrumental as well as tea ceremony utensils for enjoying to play Koto and to hold small tea ceremony party. 
Even before she got her licence as a certified interpreter guide, she thought she would like to offer experience-based information and activities such as tea ceremony or playing Koto experience with wearing kimono.

She has sets of kimono in her house to lend and is able to help people get dressed kimono, since she has foreign friends who are interested in Japanese culture, and she has been happy to give opportunities to them for experiencing Japanese culture.


Moreover, she is working as an interior coordinator and welfare living environment coordinator after obtaining the certificates by studying architecture for Japanese traditional construction method. Therefore, she would like to also introduce the beauty of Japanese architectures.


That's why she started "Japan Experience ToursSM(JETsm)."

2 Chome Naka-cho, Atsugi city,
Kanagawa pref.

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Japan Experience ToursSM

2 chome Naka-choAtusgi city,

Kanagawa pref. Japan 243-0018

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