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Free WiFi App in Japan for visitors from overseas

Nowadays, a smart phone is one of the must items for travelling. Even so, the cost for roaming is a kind of nightmare, because the cost for downloading large data such as maps is terribly expensive. For visitors from overseas, there is a helpful application for the smart phone in Japan.

The name of the application for smart phones is "Japan connected-free WiFi".

The above is English page of the site for application. So, you can check the details in the above URL.

The application is available several languages such as Spanish and Chinese et al.

Travelling overseas is so fun, but there are some obstacles due to language barriers sometimes. Especially travelling in Japan, not much Japanese people can speak foreign languages including English.

So, checking maps and sites that introducing many informative things are big help, though many Japanese would like to support travelers like you.

Such free WiFi will help you like the Japanese people who want to help you to enjoy Japan.

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